Team Training 2022
Select "Take Course" button to begin your application.
Do not fill out an application for someone else.
This program is offered to a mix of disciplines and when the maximum capacity of one or more discipline tracks is reached, we will begin a waitlist for that track and/or when the program is reaching near capacity.
Parkinson's Foundation Team Training requires that you attend all courses in their entirety. While learning takes place at different paces, this is a semester long course. You should plan to spend a minimum of 2.5 hours per week doing coursework in order to adhere to deadlines.
You are also required to attend the live sessions of Team Training on March 22-25, 2022 in order to receive your certificate of completion.
- All attendees must fill out their own individual application.
- DO NOT WAIT to gather your team members to apply as the program fills quickly.
- A checkbox is provided if you're attending with a team in the payment section after accepted. All teams will be matched with their work affiliation in our system, even if you apply as an individual and later find others who plan to attend.
- At the end of the application, an option is provided for program attendance in case your discipline track has reached full capacity. You may select the box to attend this course only, or you may opt for your application to roll over to the next training.
- To move through the application and all segments in this course, you must click on “COMPLETE AND CONTINUE” at the bottom of each segment.
If you have questions, please contact [email protected].