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  • International Parkinson and Movement Disorder Society Clinical Outcome Assessments
    International Parkinson's and Movement Disorder Society (MDS) has a
    variety of clinical outcome assessments provide reliable, high-quality standards to advance Movement Disorders research and care worldwide.
    *Note: MDS permits the free use of rating scales for personal learning or use in clinical practice for routine patient care with no intended modifications, derivatives, translations, or electronic usage of the scales.
  • Palliative Care Tools
    Utilize tools for advance care planning, care partner screening, hospice and palliative care, and screening for palliative care needs. 
  • Parkinson's Anxiety Scale
    Copyright of this scale and its translations is held by the authors (Leentjens AFG, Dujardin K, Pontone GM, Starkstein SE, Weintraub D, and Martinez-Martin P; 2014). The scale and its translations are in the public domain and may be used without additional permission and free of charge on the condition that its source is referenced. 
  • Hamilton Anxiety Rating Scale
    The Hamilton Anxiety Rating Scale (HAM-A) is a clinical tool that measures the severity of anxiety, including mood, tension, fears, insomnia, and physical symptoms, with each item scored on a scale from 0 (not present) to 4 (severe).
     M Hamilton. The Assessment of Anxiety States by Rating. 32 Br J Med Psychol 50-55.  Maier, R Buller, M Philipp, & I Heuser. The Hamilton Anxiety Scale: Reliability, Validity and Sensitivity to Change in Anxiety and Depressive Disorders. 14(1) J Affect Disord 61-68. . 
    Link to fillable version here.
Guidelines & Recommendations


  • Exercise Guidelines
    These exercise guidelines include recommended frequency, intensity, time, type, volume and progression of exercises that are safe and effective for people with Parkinson’s across four domains: aerobic activity, strength training, balance, agility and multitasking and stretching. 
  • Hospital Care Recommendations
    These recommendations outline five standards of care to improve hospital safety and provide tools to facilitate their implementation. 

The Parkinson's Foundation has a large repository of resources for professionals, including Fact Sheets, Bookletsthe PD Library, and our Podcast series. 

For Spanish speakers, we have Spanish versions of our PD LibraryResources, and Podcasts.

And, as always, you can contact our Helpline for other inquiries. 

Are we missing any tools or resources? Let us know here