Dave Cather, PhD

Dave Cather retired from the Air Force as a Lt. Col., then put his PhD in adult education to work as he stood up a training center for inspectors general (IGs), in the US Department of Defense (DoD). The role of an IG is to independently investigate allegations of fraud, waste and abuse in government agencies. Dave's IG training program became well regarded and then expanded to include several other US government agencies. Eventually the program offered a masters degree in public service from Georgetown University. After retirement, Dave and his wife, Barbara, moved onboard their 47-foot steel-hulled trawler, Spirit, in the Chesapeake Bay. They set out aboard Spirit in 2017 to explore the US coast, Bahamas and the Caribbean. They made it as far north as New York, but on the southward journey they were forced to stop in North Carolina when it became apparent that Dave was ill. Nevertheless, Dave and Barbara have many happy memories of boating on the Chesapeake and beyond. They now live in Wake Forest, NC, near excellent medical care. Their Christian faith remains at the center of their life and has helped them find personal peace and quality of life while they learn to live with PSP.