Salin Geevarghese, JD

Salin Geevarghese is the President & CEO of SGG Insight, LLC, a consulting firm offering comprehensive services across sectors and silos of impact. He also serves as Senior Fellow at the
Center for the Study of Social Policy (CSSP) as well as a senior advisor for Urban Strategies, Inc. and NIMC. Geevarghese served as a Deputy Assistant Secretary at HUD in the Obama
Administration, providing global leadership on the SDGs, the New Urban Agenda, and Habitat III. Salin was also a leader on place-based innovations and policy, serving as Senior Advisor and
Acting Director at HUD and in senior leadership for the Partnership for Sustainable Communities across the federal government. Prior to his public service, Geevarghese was a senior executive at the Annie E. Casey Foundation, the Harwood Institute for Public Innovation, TCC Group, and the BellSouth Corporation, working for greater equity, inclusion, justice, and
opportunity for all.